With an over 16 million people dwelling in Dhaka, the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha (RAJUK) – the authority to plan for the city, is trying to make the capital city – Dhaka, a planned, livable and environmentally friendly city. RAJUK has taken initiative to make it livable through solving housing, transportation problems and creation of large scale water based public space project. A broader plan named the “Urban Resilience Project” (URP) is been taken to cope with the issues. And RAJUK awarded TechnoVista with the designing of its website and the document archiving system.
The target of designing the website & archiving project document is to reduce manual filing and record-keeping process, as well as to improve the operational efficiency along with availability of information in the quickest possible time. The proposed system will equip with report generation features which will generate various type of management reports that will help to the management for make decision and the dashboard feature will act like a run time monitoring tools which help management to take quick decision based on the current situation.
The main objectives can be summarized as follows:
- Set processes and practices that bring the harmony in the overall project management of Urban Resilience.
- Ensure all the project related information, stakeholder’s management information and repository for document archiving along with the projects.
- Store and manage every type of supporting documents of projects including the project communication documents such as minutes of meeting and the proposed web application
- Manage all types of notice information management. Apart from all the above features, the proposed system will the manage project profiling management, procurement management including process flow, inventory management, tender information management, training management and human resources allocation information management along with the project.