Labour Inspection Management Application (LIMA) is a knowledge management system that brings together all key information needs of the labour inspectorate, helping it to operate more effectively and thereby help to enhance the welfare and safety of working people.
LIMA enhances data accessibility and transparency by making information available to its users including the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE), employers and workers.
Comprised of four different modules, LIMA has a Factory/Establishments Database module that allows for the online application of factory layout plans and licenses.
A Labour Inspection module is also available that is used for inspection planning, data collection and reporting. Information gathered during inspections is fed directly into the LIMA database where it can be used to inform management decisions.
An Occupational Safety and Health module is used for notifications related to workplace accidents.
Other LIMA modules are used for the tracking of remediation work of garment factories under the National Initiative as well as for following up on DIFE’s internal operational activities.
Additionally LIMA features a ‘DIFE Complaint Box’ that allows workers or employers to make a complaint to DIFE about workplace issues. This can be done either through the LIMA website or via a smartphone app.
The application was officially launched by the State Minister of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Md. Mujibul Haque at an event held at the capital’s Amari Hotel.
LIMA is designed & developed by TechnoVista Limited. The development of LIMA has been supported by the International Labour Organization’s Improving Working Conditions in the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment Sector programme funded by Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.