The Rural Electrification Board of Bangladesh has been providing services to rural member consumers for the last 39 years. Continued support from the Government of Bangladesh, the donor community, consulting partners, and member consumers will help this program continue to expand by providing the gift of electricity to millions more Bangladeshi households, businesses, and industries.
Today there are 80 operating rural electric cooperatives widely known as Palli Bidyut Samity (PBS), which bring services to approximately 20 million connections being made and more than 3,74 thousand kms of line has been constructed.
The main objectives of the development & implementation of integrated centralized billing system (ICBS) can be summarized as follows:
- Ensure faster, systematic, better consumer service delivery
- Ensure higher customer satisfaction level by introducing a faster, secure, tamper-proof, efficient meter reading, bill processing cycle management technology framework
- Eliminate or drastically reduce meter tampering, reading manipulation etc. types of fraudulent activities
- Ensure accurate, faster, tamper-proof billing and revenue collection using centralized, state-of-the-art technologies
- Ensure online, centralized/consolidated data & analytics visibility at any organization levels
- Introduce or avail end-to-end centralized software, hardware, communication and infrastructure technology ecosystem
Key Modules of ICBS:
- E-meter Reading System (EMRS)
- Consumer Information Management (CIM)
- Membership and Voter Management (MVM)
- Tariff Management (TFM)
- Change Meter Order/CMO Management (CMO)
- Bill Processing (BP)
- Adjustments and Corrections (ADC)
- Approval and Bill Generation (BG)
- Bill Delivery Management (BD)
- Payment Processing Channel Management (PPC)
- Collection and Consumer Accounting (CCA)
- Revenue Accounting (RA)
- Revenue Management (RM)
- Rebate/Subsidy Management (RBT)
- Report Engine (RPT) & Dashboard Management