Ministry of Agriculture has signed an agreement with TechnoVista Limited for Consulting service to develop, implement and maintenance of MIS at BARC and 7 NARS institute (BARI, BRRI, BJRI, SRDI, BLRI, BFRI and BSRI)
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LGCRRP project, LGED awarded TechnoVista to develop a MIS System for 10 City Corporations and 329 Pourashovas
The Local Government COVID-19 Response and Recovery Project (LGCRRP) is a three-year initiative by the Bangladeshi government, funded by the World Bank. LGCRRP’s development objective is to strengthen the Urban…
Development of Android based Apps ‘Sales Force Product Issuance’ for Banglalink
Banglalink has signed an agreement with TechnoVista Limited for Development of Android based Apps “Sales Force Product Issuance”
RAJUK Urban Resilience Project website and document archiving system project was awarded to TechnoVista
With an over 16 million people dwelling in Dhaka, the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha (RAJUK) – the authority to plan for the city, is trying to make the capital city –…