In addressing the information need and in compliance with the reporting requirements set in Development Project Proposal (DPP) and Project Appraisal Document (PAD), the Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project (IAPP) intends to develop a web based Project Management Information System (PMIS); train the relevant staff on PMIS and plan to strengthen the M&E system through timely collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. This PMIS is to be used in IAPP implementation to serve as a decision support system. It will also be used to strengthen quality monitoring, evaluation and reporting of activities.
The proposed consultancy works will design, develop, test & install project MIS software which will be utilized by Project Management Unit (PMU) and two Regional Project Implementation Units (RPIU) in Barisal and Rangpur, for unit level data entry, data storing and data analysis as per different reporting criteria. This MIS software will generate required reports to support project tracking and management.