This is for the very first time in TechnoVista Limited, we decided to go remote. We respect the government declaration to assure social distance, to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 (aka COVID-19, widely known as Coronavirus) outbreak in Bangladesh. We are also concerned about the health of our employees and their families at home. Therefore we decided to stay home but continue our work from home like regular days.
It is not an easy decision for us to allow our employees to work from home, because from the very beginning our company is not accustomed to the remote culture. Most of our tools are locally available, and in some explicit cases, remote access was also restricted. But thanks to the technical team for their effort in making them available outside office and let us proceed to allow working from home.
Work from home
For the remote work, all the necessary tools are made ready, and allotted to the employees. We will start our office from home like the regular working days, and work from home — plan, estimate, analyze, code, commit, test, make documents, reports like every other day, from our home comfort. We trust our employees and expect a better cooperation during the remote work period.
What it means for our clients
During the remote work period we can be reached any of our regular contact medium. We will continue contact with all our clients and all the necessary support like before.
When will it end
The remote work will continue till the management think it is safe to open the office again. We want everybody to be safe. And we hope Bangladesh, and the world will recover soon from the deadly virus. Wishing all a good health.