Success Story

Banglalink streamlined the warehouse operations with the successful implementation of the “Warehouse Inventory Management System”

The Warehouse Inventory Management System (WIMS) software application has enabled Banglalink to efficiently manage and track inventory in its 52 warehouses located throughout Bangladesh since 2011.

The implementation of a Warehouse Inventory Management System (WIMS) software resulted in operational efficiency and accuracy improvements, leading to cost savings and enhanced customer service.

The WIMS software plays a vital role in analyzing the specific demands of Banglalink to manage inventory of Marketing, Technical Network Deployment, and Operation and maintenance items- as well as identifying the level of connectivity required with other systems.


  • Systematic and secured warehouse management
  • Extensive item status searching within the warehouse management community
  • Global Information Sharing throughout warehouse, marketing & technical department employees
  • Multiple point entry, Centralized management.
  • Reduce Duplication of work and physical file movement
  • Faster and Easier Statistical and historical reporting