Now online tax return is no more a dream! Today history was created when the hon’ble Finance Minister submitted his tax return online from his office. Thus he became the first individual taxpayer to submit tax return in such a digital way.
As part of the master plan to bring all taxpayers under an online return submission system, it is being introduced in tax zone-8. Mr. AMA Muhith formally opened this system today. The Chairman and members of NBR were present at the inauguration ceremony.
After submitting his return online, in his speech the F.M. said that this system is being introduced to reduce the harassment of taxpayers. He also hopes online return can play a great role to make people aware and thus the number of taxpayers will be increased. He added that this is another significant step to fulfill the commitment for digital Bangladesh of the present Govt. The F.M. is determined that within one year it will be possible to digitize some more other tax zones like zone-8, Dhaka. Although the e-payment system has not been introduced but the Govt. is working in this regard. Dr. Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, the Chairman of NBR, brought different benefits of this digital process to light in his introductory speech. By this time the official website of tax zone-8. www.taxzone-8.org was opened for all. This whole online tax return system is developed and maintained by the tax zone-8 officials and a local IT organization, TechnoVista Limited. The Commissioner, taxes zone-8 showed the process of using the system by a digital presentation. He urged the taxpayers to submit their return online without any hesitation. Mention-ably, an online tax service center is being set up for support the taxpayers.