Project Details
The Local Governance Support Project-3 (LGSP-3), Local Government Division Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives, supported by GOB & World Bank, intends to develop a user-friendly MIS/M&E system, compatible App-based technology which can be operated through smartphone along with the application of mobile technology and maintain and run Help-Desk support services to ensure that investments carried out by the UPs under LGSP3 can be effectively monitored and results tracked.
LGSP-3 aims to strengthen inclusive and accountable local government institutions by empowering communities to make choices on development priorities and basic needs. It aims to strengthen Union Parishads (UPs) as agencies for effective service delivery and accountable governance. The project aims to develop a customized management information system, upgrade and maintain the Web-Based Management Information System, and provide offline tools and training.
LGSP-3 investments effectively monitored, grant funding increased to Union Parishads, and local government accountability institutionalized through ward-level meetings, open budgeting, performance monitoring, and assessment modules for 5281 users.
As per the assignment, TechnoVista has developed the user-friendly web-based MIS/M&E system and developed Android-based Mobile Application (APP) with Geo-tagging. After the completion of development TechnoVista maintain and run Help-Desk support services and also provided two types of training on MIS. TOT training and PMU/Ministry training. Nine day-long trainings were provided to 200+ Officials and Users of 64 Districts, and One day-long training has been provided to 23 PMU and Ministry personnel at the NILG Office, Dhaka. Also, a workshop on smart Monitoring Systems for proper monitoring and supervision using Management Information Systems was provided. A total of 100 LGD, PMU, and related Field Staff participated in the workshop.
Capacity Building
Procurement of UP level
Planning and Budget
Union Parishad Accounting
Grant Management
Procurement Of PMU
Monitoring & Evaluation
Accounting - PMU
Fixed Asset
UP Asset Register
Web Portal
- Meeting Tracker (Ward Meeting)
- Scheme (UP Procurement BGCC)
- Annual Financial Statement (AFS)
- UP Budget
- UP Accounting
- UP Asset
- Grievance Redress (UP)
- Video Tutorial
- UP Audit
- Covid-19 Package
- UP Member
- BGCC Meeting Approval and Monitoring (UNO)
- Scheme Approval and Monitoring (DF, DDLG)
- Inspection (DF, DDLG)
- Audit
- Reporting (Monitoring & Evaluation)
- Grant Management
- PMU Procurement
- PMU Accounting
- PMU Asset Management
- PMU HR and Payroll
- Capacity Building (Training)
- User Access Management
- Support Log
The MIS system is being used by 5000+ Union Parishad users from all over the Country, which significantly improved and ensured operational efficiency along with the availability of data in the quickest possible time. In a word, the MIS will be very helpful for Local Governance Support Project-3 (LGSP-3).
- Country's first GIS base image (Geo-Tagged) storage at UP level
- Online real-time scheme approval in BGCC meeting
- Calculation of real-time allocation and expenditure of each UP
- 100% online Annual Financial Statement (AFS) in 15 days for FY 2019-2020 through MIS
- Detail storage including contact number, blood group etc of UP residence along with Chairman and Members.
- Union Parishad Geo locator
- Analytical Reporting: PMU could identify less allocated and low performing UPs from dashboard and various reports.
- Analytical Reporting: Online budget v/s Allocation and Expenditure tracking